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Take Learning to the Next Level with Simulation Labs

As the old saying goes, “you learn something new every day.” From the ABCs as a child to college exams, and on-the-job training, there is always something new to learn. Everyone has different education strategies, but ‘learning by doing’ is arguably one of the most effective. This is why simulation labs are so popular. They give students and employees an opportunity to test and review their performance. 

Each organization has unique training strategies as well as room for improvement. And the e-learning industry is advancing quickly. Now is the time to update your training facility with audio and video tools that take learning to the next level.

Industries that benefit from Simulation Labs

Training with sounds and video that simulate a real-life scenario can be used across any and all industries. Some common uses include:

  • Healthcare

The medical industry was an early adopter of simulation learning for obvious reasons. The safety of patients is the number one priority for doctors, nurses, and first responders and an error can have dire consequences. Training facilities can now re-create various scenarios with life-like mannequins. Medical staff can safely make decisions and immediately receive feedback. And, it’s not limited to human mannequins. Veterinarians also have training labs for simulating procedures and health treatments for animals.

  • Aviation

Another early adopter of simulation training, pilots have been utilizing simulation labs for over 100 years. Of course, the technology used has made a lot of advancements in that time. Machine learning and artificial intelligence have had a huge impact on the airline industry. This requires ongoing training, but pilots are not the only users of aviation simulations. It is now used for testing aircraft designs as well as air traffic management. Plus, the data collected in simulations provide insight into potential safety issues. Corrections can be made before something catastrophic takes place.

  • Manufacturing

Simulation technology has long been used for testing equipment, factory layout, and improving processes. But, with manufacturing accounting for 15% of non-fatal injuries in the private sector, safety is a priority. Virtual labs can be used for training employees in a safe environment and different scenarios can be created to reduce risks. Reviewing the layout of equipment to ensure operators can move efficiently between tasks saves organizations time and money.

  • Management, sales, and other corporate jobs

Job training is not limited to physical skills. Soft skills such as handling objections, and problem-solving are essential to corporate positions. Training facilities are often created for employees to simulate interactions with customers. And, company-specific processes can be tested and improved. Video and audio recordings can then be used for debriefing and experimenting with different responses.

Creating a Simulation Lab

Whether training nurses, pilots, or office employees, quality equipment will set you up for success. Proper installation and maintenance should be provided by a respected AV company with experience in your industry. High Country has a proven framework for ensuring projects run smoothly. Along with that process, the following steps will help bring your vision of a simulation lab to life:

  1. Define your goals

What do you want your simulation lab to achieve? Every company has a unique vision, budget, and space to work with. Clarify your goals with a trusted AV professional so that you receive an appropriate proposal.

  1. Select the right equipment

Sound and video are critical to the success of simulation learning. Cameras, recorders, and microphones allow educators and students to evaluate performance and clear up disputes. Monitors, controllers, and intercoms can be utilized for creating realistic simulations and real-time interaction with participants. Consider including a debrief room where learners can pause and reflect on their actions as well as remote classrooms to include various participants.

  1. Install and test the system

Proper installation of the audio and visual equipment brings the simulation lab to life. The idea is to make the training environment feel and function like the real environment. Take the time to ensure the technology is working properly to avoid issues during learning sessions. The system should be calibrated and tested with any necessary adjustments made by an experienced team. 

  1. Ongoing support and maintenance

Training scenarios and materials are always evolving based on your business needs. The audio and video equipment in your simulation lab should be updated as well. A quality AV company will provide documentation for your equipment and reliable support if anything is not working properly.

Advantages of Simulation-Based Learning

As mentioned above, all industries can benefit from simulation learning. Clearly, professions that have high safety risks are top candidates for investing in simulation labs, but training employees in soft skills puts your company at an advantage as well. 

Developing a simulation model for learning can help your organization:

  • Save time
  • Reduce costs
  • Add value

Learning new skills in a low-risk environment reduces the time spent correcting errors. Simulation labs allow employees to visualize scenarios and receive immediate feedback. This type of training results in high efficiency and accuracy on the job which improves your bottom line. Preventing injuries and accidents increases employee well-being while decreasing the time and money spent on safety hazards. And, the data and statistics collected during simulation training provide valuable insights that impact day-to-day operations as well as entire industry trends.

Book a consult today to learn more about Simulation Labs

From design to installation and integration, High Country can help bring your AV vision to life. Our solutions include CTS Designer Certified audio systems, video systems, network systems, and more. 

It’s time to level up your learning facility with a simulation lab. We do all of our installation and integration work in-house – never using third-party contractors. We provide outstanding support and maintenance and pride ourselves on happy customers.

High Country has been serving the Audio/Video needs of Denver and the Colorado Front Range for over 15 years. Our service portfolio includes the City of Denver, Alteryx (an NYSE-listed software company), MSU of Denver, and Jefferson County Public Schools, among many other clients.

Contact us today to learn how our experienced team can meet your AV needs.

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