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Managing AV Issues – When is it Time to Call a Professional?

When there is a technical problem at the office you may have a co-worker who can save the day. Maybe the video monitor isn’t turning on, and the fix is as simple as jiggling some wires. Maybe your co-worker knows where a secret stash of batteries for a remote control is located. Audio, video or networking issues can often be solved in-house. But sometimes your DIY efforts can make things worse. 

How do you know when it’s time to call an AV professional?

The simple answer to that question is to have a trustworthy AV company install your audiovisual system from the start. This reduces issues in the future and means you have a personal contact if something were to go wrong. Of course, using a professional company from the beginning is not always the case, so let’s review some plans you can put in place today.

Start by Troubleshooting

Some of the steps for eliminating issues may seem obvious or even silly. But the idea is to get your equipment working regardless of the solution. Poor audio quality? Freezing video? Echo? Each issue is unique and it will depend on the equipment you are working with.  

Start by eliminating some of these variables:

  • Check that the power is on. Yes, this is the oldest trick in the book. But, if your equipment requires power, then you need to ensure it is plugged in or has functioning batteries. This would also be a good opportunity to restart the device if possible.
  • Check your network. Most equipment in an office environment requires the internet. Insufficient bandwidth can be the culprit for many issues. Try an online speed test to see if your network connection is the problem. If the network is slow, try disconnecting unnecessary devices or try these other tips for improving your experience. 
  • Visual checks. Are you using the right cables and are they plugged into the correct spot? Improper installation of even the smallest part can cause major problems. If you have an assembly guide or instruction manual you can cross reference to ensure everything is where it belongs.

Have a Backup Plan

Nothing taught us the importance of having a “plan b” quite like a global pandemic. Everything from school, work, and medical services had to change quickly. Our reliance on technology increased and over time we have grown accustomed to remote communication. As we rely more and more on technology it’s vital to have a solid backup plan. 

When an important call is taking place, or a customer is ready to make a purchase, then time is of the essence. A quick re-boot may do the trick, but often you can’t wait for that or for a professional to arrive. Can you revert to an old-fashioned phone call? It’s a good idea to include your office phone number on meeting invites in case the video or conference system has issues. It’s also important to test your equipment prior to the big meeting. You can reach out to your AV contractor for suggestions if there is a problem. 

Where is your information stored? The cloud is a fantastic way to share information and streamline business operations, but it can also be problematic if the internet is down. Keep a backup of your documents so that work doesn’t have to stop during an outage.

Consider a secondary internet provider. If outages are common in your area, and your business can’t afford any downtime, then a backup service could reduce stress and be worth the investment. There are many providers who offer cellular backup internet and failover solutions so that you can be prepared. 

Be Proactive

As mentioned above, properly installing your equipment from the start can avoid headaches down the road. Look for a local AV company with good references and a solid plan for addressing your needs. If your equipment is getting old or you have concerns, then don’t hesitate to reach out to a reputable company for a consultation.

Good AV installation should include:

  • Research

The provider should understand your specific requirements, budget considerations, and timeline. This allows them to provide a detailed proposal and recommendations for your space.

  • Project Management & Proactive Communication

In order to stay on time and on budget an AV company should provide you with a project manager. This point of contact can answer any questions you have, attend meetings, and keep the installation on schedule.

  • Commissioning of your system

Installation of your audiovisual system isn’t complete until the equipment is fully commissioned. This includes final calibrations, testing, training end users, and provisioning documentation.

  • Ongoing Maintenance Agreement 

To increase your confidence that your AV investment will work properly partner with a firm that has a plan for routine visits.  Ongoing maintenance includes firmware updates, testing, and maintaining the system to ensure it works for that big presentation.

As mentioned in a previous post, there’s technically a difference between an AV installation and an integration. While it’s a matter of semantics to some, it’s important to know what your options are and to work with a company that covers both. 

If you already have a system in place and a full replacement isn’t in the budget, then consider an upgrade. This can mean upgrading one portion of your audiovisual system to integrate with the existing equipment and may be more cost effective. Either way, it’s important to get a professional opinion so that the end results meet your expectations.

Ready to Contact an AV Professional?

Some audio, video, and networking issues have simple solutions. The troubleshooting ideas outlined above may save you a lot of time and money. But when it’s time to call a professional, High Country is here to help.

Whether it’s maintenance, design, installation, or integration, our team has the experience and expertise to meet your AV needs.

As a local company, we’ve been serving the audiovisual needs of Denver and the Front Range for over 15 years. Our service portfolio includes Alteryx, Hilton, Vail, Aurora Public Schools, the City of Boulder, and the City of Denver, among others. We serve corporate, government, and educational organizations with audio, video, and networking solutions.

Our solutions are vetted by in-house CTS Certified designers which include audio systems, video systems, digital signage, security systems, network systems, and more.

At High Country we have a proven process to ensure your project goes the way it should. And we do all of our installation and integration work in-house – meaning that we never use third-party contractors.

Get in touch with us today for a free consultation, and let’s find a professional solution to your AV needs.

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